Alexander at 1 – a New Years Eve round up

Alexander at 1 – a New Years Eve round up

Dear Alexander,

You are one, my littlest boy. 12 months and a few days have passed since you came into our lives, on a very peaceful Monday morning. You have remained peaceful throughout (most of!) your life so far and you are honestly a delight to be with.

You continue to develop at lightening speed, crawling way before your brother did and no doubt you will be walking before he did too. We bought your first shoes today and you promptly showed them off by walking holding my fingers for ages.

Some of the best things you are capable of at the moment are kisses and cuddles – you’re so affectionate to everyone. The ladies at your nursery are as smitten with you as I am. The best person by far in your eyes is your big bro Elliot. Long may that continue. I can see you being best of friends forever.

I love you my giggly cuddly little man. Nothing makes me happier than to see you smile.

Lots of love, forever,

Mummy xxx




Elliot at 4 – a New Years Eve round up

Dear my beautiful boy Elliot,

A couple of weeks ago you turned four. Four whole years old. Even as I write this I can’t fathom how these last few years have passed so quickly, yet equally I can barely remember a time before you.

Four years ago you made me a mummy, and I’ve loved every minute (or most of them anyway!)

In order to stop time for a second, I want to capture you right now – the things you like and what we really love about that quirky little personality of yours. So here goes. 4 things about Elliot aged 4:

1. You LOVE your friends and family. Your absolute favourite thing to do is to visit your cousins, see your grandparents, or have play dates with your friends. You regularly try to plan these – “er, mummy, tomorrow can we go camping with Ben?” or “I’m going to visit Una tomorrow. We’ll go on the train” Normally this is mid week when it’s not possible to fulfil your dreams, but we do try to make sure you spend time with everyone you love most in all the world. And guess what? I think they all love it too!

2. You are an AMAZING big brother. Alexander thinks you’re the bee’s knees and I suspect the feeling is mutual. You both seem happiest when you’re together and I’ve loved seeing your relationship grow and develop over the past year. I can’t believe I was ever really worried about how you’d cope with a new sibling. You’ve blown us away with how well you’ve handled it all.

3. You love books, and spelling – who knew three year olds can spell?! You’ve absolutely mastered reading, and can now read any word on sight, including dinosaur names (which you’re slightly obsessed by!) I’m so excited about you really getting into books as I have always had my head in a book and feel that the escapism it offers you will set you in good stead for the rest of your life. I hope you continue to grow more in love with fictional worlds and the vast amount of information you can find for yourself in the pages of books!
In a conversation the other day, I mentioned to you that most 3 and 4 year olds can’t read as well as you do, and you just said “oh” and then when I said you were clever you replied with “I know” and a wink!

4. Sense of humour. You find the funniest things funny and your laugh is absolutely addictive! Coupled with the cute little dance you do when you’re happy, you really make it clear when something you like is going on!
I really hope that in the next year you develop even more in terms of self confidence. We’ve already seen lots of changes in this regard in the last few months so I’m hopeful that the next year, including starting school next September will be the turning point for your confidence levels. You’re loved by your close group of friends, and I’m sure you will be loved by many more in the months and years to come.

Here’s to the next year my little big boy. You make me proud every day.

Lots of love always,
Mummy xxx




Elliot, aged 3

Dear Elliot,

You turned three a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, I was not in hospital for the big day – the elective c section was initially booked for two days before your birthday which would have meant I would have still been in hospital. Thankfully we got bumped to the following Monday (three days after your birthday) due to lots of emergency sections they couldn’t fit me in. So, we got to have a proper birthday celebration for you, our eldest boy, before becoming a family of four.

On your birthday we had a special morning of opening presents and a lazy breakfast, then we went out for the day to a soft play centre – I sat and drank tea (being 39 weeks and 6 days pregnant is not compatible with climbing through tunnels and zipping down slides!) but you and Daddy had a brilliant time running about. We came home for chocolate cake, but we’re told (by you) that you wanted “no candles and no singing” so we just ate cake!



We also managed to have a small get together for family which you really enjoyed – thankfully more than the birthday cake! You were thoroughly spoilt with presents and attention, but we really indulged this knowing what was to come with the arrival of the new baby shortly after.


So, Elliot, you turned three and became a big brother within the space of three days, and the whirlwind continued with Christmas shortly after. You’re coping so well with everything, and your daddy and I are so proud of you.

Lots of love,
Mummy xxx

Happy Birthday my little man

13 December 2011 – your first birthday!

Happy birthday to my little man
For nine months I carried you inside me, protected you and let you grow,
For several more I carried you in my arms, rocked you to sleep and played peep-o
Now you’re crawling, very soon you’ll be walking, my little man
I can’t wait to hold your hand while you take those first steps
Just don’t grow up too fast
Looking back at photos it is very clear
You’ve achieved so much and it’s only been a year
Adventurous and fun, that’s how I’d describe you, my little man
I can’t wait to watch you grow and develop
Just don’t grow up too fast
And always remember
No matter what life throws at you
Through thick and thin
Good times and bad
I love you
Mummy xxx