In 5 years time….

This time 5 years ago we were just back from Paris where we got engaged. I love these photos, they remind me of an amazing weekend.

Eiffel Tower

Le Tour Eiffel

Sunset in Paris

Sunset in Paris

Scrabble letters

The Proposal


I really want to take Elliot to Paris when he’s a bit bigger, and show him where we decided to become a family.

I recently came across a beautiful blog which I just had to share here – Paris in Four Months – it just makes me want to pack up and go now!

Snowflake biscuits

Shock horror, we have run out of stars! Elliot helped me make some star biscuits way before Christmas and has been asking for them ever since.

Today I pulled out my trusty biscuit recipe to make some more and thought I’d mix it up a bit by adding some Citrus Spice Sugar – we got this at Waitrose for another recipe at Christmas and had lots left over. It makes the biscuits taste wintery!

If you’d like to try them for yourself, you’ll need:

90g butter
100g citrus spice sugar (or regular caster sugar)
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
200g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt

Mix the butter and sugar together until it is pretty creamy
Add the egg and vanilla and beat
Mix the dry ingredients together and then add to the wet mixture
Mix until it forms a ball

Wrap in clingfilm and chill for an hour (or if you’re impatient like me put it on the freezer for about half that time)

Roll out to about 1/2 cm thickness and then use cutters of your choice! We chose snowflakes and stars today.

Bake in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for 8-12 minutes

Once cooled, ice if you feel like it. Then eat (maybe with a nice warming cup of tea!)


I remember, I remember…

Dear Elliot,

Today I haven’t stopped thinking of the day we came home from hospital with you as a tiny 5 day old baby. And why is that I hear you ask?

Let me take you back to the 18th December 2010:

You and I had been in hospital due to my silly blood pressure (which coincidentally was fine as soon as you were delivered) for 5 days after your birth on the 13th. The day came to bring you home and the snow decided to pay a visit too. Oxfordshire was covered in thick snow, which meant we only made it to my parents house instead of our home.

I love this picture of you all bundled up ready to face the cold.

First car ride

First car ride

I remember wrapping you up in a blanket and laying you down on the sofa at Grandmum and Grampy’s house. You were so tiny.

I remember struggling through the snow to get home the following day, and then Daddy carrying you across the road outside our house.

I remember leaving you asleep in the car seat in the living room, while all around was silent and white, and sitting staring at you, all the while thinking we were the luckiest people in the world at that very second.

I love snow.



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“Why not?” – Conversations with a two year old

Dear Elliot,

I’m loving the conversations we’re having with you at the moment, and the sayings you’re picking up from the people around you really make us giggle.


A couple of snippets from conversations recently:

Daddy (holding two pens): Elliot, would you like the red one or the green one?

Elliot: Yes!

Mummy: Elliot, would you like a drink?

Elliot: No… (looks quizzical) Why?… Why not…

Mummy (at 4am, after hearing Elliot crying, and expecting a full on tantrum): Elliot, it’s still night-time, lie down please

Elliot: OK mummy, night night (lies down)

It makes the whole (shh!) terrible two thing so much more bearable!

Love you loads xxx

Check out some more funny things kids say via the Actually Mummy Wot So Funee meme:
Wot So Funee?

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