Book Review: Mothers Ruined by Aimee Horton

You may remember last year I reviewed Survival of the Ginnest for a lovely Twitter friend Aimee Horton. Well, I’m excited to say that Aimee has been beavering away and has now written a full length novel featuring the same character, the inimitable Dottie (who quite frankly I really do think would be one of my besties if she actually were…well…real!)

Anyway, Aimee sent me a manuscript of Mothers Ruined a couple of weeks ago for review and I have to say I was quickly hooked, as I had been with the first Dottie story. This book continues her story – she’s moved to a new area and is on maternity leave after baby #3 makes a surprise appearance three weeks early and isn’t quite what they were preparing for.


As I’m on maternity leave at the moment, the story line really grabbed me – the trials of trying to make new “mum” friends whilst trying to make time to shower every day, keep the kids presentable (and not green…), find topics of conversation with other mums who you don’t know from Adam (or Eve I guess!) and such like.

The main plot line in the novel starts when Dottie starts overhearing the goings on in her neighbours’ houses through her baby monitor. I’ve always puzzled about whether this could actually happen. Luckily we live next door to a retired couple who I don’t think would own such a thing so I think we’re pretty safe! Anyway, I love the way this story line develops and how Dottie uses the conversations she’s overhearing to make new friends in her neighbourhood. She also uncovers the secrets of the street, which eventually get exposed rather publicly – I particularly loved the comeuppance at the end for an especially nosy neighbour!

Aimee has paid much attention to the reader journey in this book, and I really like the touches like the naming of the chapters which I always thinks shows skill and commitment on the part of the author – so much more involved than just numbering them! We also have regular insights into Dottie’s deepest thoughts, these are presented like asides spoken directly to the reader Miranda-style. Of these I especially chuckled at “I spend my entire life rotating crap throughout this house” (I feel like this most of the time!)

So yet again I’d highly recommend a read to all fellow mums, and I think anyone who likes the sound of a Cecilia Ahern style, fun and enjoyable read. I’m left hoping that Aimee continues to write as I for one will be waiting with baited breath to see what comes next!

Mothers Ruined by Aimee Horton published this weekend and is available for download on Amazon for the fab introductory price of £1.82.

If you love it, and want to know the backstory to Dottie, do check out Survival of the Ginnest. This is also available for download on Amazon for just 77p.

Aimee Horton blogs at <em>Pass the Gin</em> (which in itself is a fab read, I’d recommend a follow!)
Note- I was sent a manuscript for review and have received no payment for this post. All comments are my own.

What your fb status says about you

A couple of weeks ago I spotted a plea on Twitter from the lovely Aimee (Horton, over at Pass the Gin) asking for people to test out her new book.

Never one to turn up an offer for a free read, I jumped at the chance and was promptly sent a copy of Survival of the Ginnest.

Survival of the Ginnest, Aimee Horton cover image

I read it in one sitting. Honestly. It had me hooked. Written in a really interesting style, totally through Facebook statuses, I found myself wanting to add a comment myself, and kept looking for the ‘Like’ button!

In short, the book tells the story of four years in the life of Dottie Harris – quite a life changing four years in all honesty, as she goes through two pregnancies taking her from a girl about town, coping admirably with working with a hangover, to yummy mummy of two and the joys(!)  that her new role brings along with it. It’s a journey that lots of mums can relate to and I think the book will appeal to anyone who likes a quick read between their children’s bath time and their own bedtime!

I think what I enjoyed most is the kind of abstract voice you get if you literally just look at one person’s viewpoint on what is happening in their lives – exactly what you get if you look at someone else’s (or indeed your own) social media status updates. It can often tell a story all of its own and that is what Aimee has managed to do in this book. It’s like listening to one half of a conversation, and I had great fun making up the other half in my own head as I was reading.

I’d recommend you head over to Aimee’s blog and take a peek!

Survival of the Ginnest is available NOW in e-book format on all digital platforms and their website shops including Kindle, ibooks, Nook and Kobo, and is priced at just £1.99!

P.S. I have received no payment for this post, I just honestly loved the book – call it helping out a new virtual friend 🙂