

Number of books read: 3 and a bit (am struggling to get into The Book Thief right now)

Number of glasses of wine drank: Only 6 (two separate occasions – not bad I think)

Number of yoga sessions done: 4 (room for improvement..)

Number of runs completed: 0 (oops!)

Number of snowmen built: 2 (and Daddy built a mini one in the garden too!)

Number of new crafts learnt: 2 – crocheting and making macarons (more on this to follow!)

Not bad for month one of 2013. Here are some of the highlights in photo form:

Hug a penguin

Penguins are nice to hug

Why ride a scooter when you've got a Mummy to push it along?

Why ride a scooter when you’ve got a Mummy to push it along?


Admiration of the snowman


Haircut a la Mummy!

Hello 2013!

Elliot - 24 months

So now is the time to make New Years Resolutions. i love making lists, so let’s see if I can stick to this one:

1 – Blog more – My main driver for this blog has always been to document Elliot’s life and he is now 2 years old and I’ve not really done a terribly good job of that so far. So this year I’m going to try to add a bit more to this site and really find my feet in blogging. I want Elliot to be able to read all about his childhood, the days before his earliest memory (when does that happen?) and for us to remember together when he’s old enough.

2 – Read more – when I was little I would never be found without a book in my hand, I used to live, breathe, eat and sleep books and I could never imagine going for any length of time without having that means to escape into another world for a bit. Since then life has got a whole lot busier and I do find myself collapsing into bed unable to keep my eyes open long enough to read even half a page let alone a book.

But all that is about to change – I’ve been really lucky to get a kindle for Christmas and have so far managed to read one and a half books (in a week, that’s not too bad…) I’ll be putting my book list up here so would welcome any suggestions!

3 – Be healthier – 2012 was a topsy turvy year, and at some point this year I may even be able to talk about all of that on here as I do think it’s important for Elliot to know about, but for now I’m going to concentrate on regaining some element of control over the things I can have a say in. Mainly what I choose to fuel my body with – I do love nice meals and have an amazing chef as a husband so choosing healthy options shouldn’t be impossible but the sweet tin at work may prove to be a bit of a challenge – limiting alcohol (though to be honest I think the 9 months of no alcohol during pregnancy means I can’t drink more than a glass of wine now without feeling the effects!) as well as exercise.

On the exercise front, I’m going to look for us to do more as a family – we love walking in the countryside and I think it’s really important to get out and about together. I’ll also be aiming to get back running, as well as to continue with yoga which I finally got back to after a few years off at the end of 2012.

4 – Plan weekends better – Over the past couple of years we’ve fallen into the trap of just waiting until the weekend before actually thinking about what we want to do. When we didn’t have Elliot this was an awful lot easier – being spontaneous was fun! Now we have a toddler it’s just so much harder to do anything without planning, certainly in the past 2 years it’s been nigh on impossible to leave the house within an hour of deciding to go out, so leaving the decision making until the last possible moment has proved the deal breaker in our “being spontaneous” idyll. It just hasn’t happened. So, I’m going to admit defeat and become a planner. I’m thinking of making lists of things that we want to do and then booking them in to weekends and planning lunches (healthy of course, see resolution 3) to take along with us. Wish me luck!

So that’s my short and sweet list of resolutions… what’s yours?