Siblings – November

I told myself this month’s siblings post wasn’t going to start with any of the normal “how is it November already?”, “OMG it’s nearly Christmas!” or “can’t believe how fast this year has gone”, but seriously….it’s gone so fast we’ve missed a month! Apologies for lack of October post – it only got as far as a draft…

I go back to work next week. Not next month, or in a couple of weeks, but next week. 6 days away.

I feel like I’m at the end of one chapter and about to turn over a crisp new page to a whole new one. A ‘working mummy of two’ chapter. Come back soon and see how it goes?


In the meantime, the change in the season has happened and I’ve been busy getting the boys settled into their new routines of nursery/preschools etc. (it’s so complicated we have a whiteboard installed in our kitchen!)

The boys have spent time playing together, enjoying each other’s company for the most part (when there’s no train track around that is!)

The relationship blossoming between them is amazing to watch. They genuinely seem to love each other. How cool!

I’ve also been really listening to the lyrics of several songs we had just been hearing previously. Below is one that seems to fit perfectly with the colder weather, and my desire to wrap up my boys and keep them safe and warm at all times.

And we will keep you,
We will keep you
Little one, safe from harm,
Like an extra arm, you are a part of us<

Laura Marling, Goodbye England (Covered In Snow)

So, life is about to change, see you on the other side!! Hopefully the boys will still be as smiley…


dear beautiful

See my other Siblings posts below, and check out this months linky on Dear Beautiful:

October – oops!
