Today, captured

Yep, it’s been a quiet time round here recently. Somehow I’ve developed a list as long as my arm, or even longer, of “things that I must do” and I’m struggling to get through the writing of the list part let alone ticking anything off, but I just HAD to break my blogging silence to capture my lovely day today.

We’ve had a bumpy week with some very serious things going on in my extended family which has meant that it’s become very easy to just watch the days pass without creating any proper structure or capturing any little lovely moments with the boys. I think that may have made today even more special.

We took Elliot to see Charlie and Lola’s Extremely New Play this afternoon and he absolutely loved it. Watching his face as we told him where we were going and the delight during the play at everything going on was just amazing.

The play itself was brilliantly done – all using puppets, the puppeteers were fantastic. We had good seats about 5 rows from the front which made us feel really part of the action, and meant we were in the right place when several things floated down from the ceiling (leaves, bubbles, and snow!!!)

Elliot was really impressed, and kept saying that he was really excited. He actually did a little boogie in the aisle to the music before it started!

I love that he’s at the age when we can go to the theatre and it manages to capture his attention for the majority of the play. I’m also thankful that my parents could look after Alexander so it felt like a real treat for both of us to be able to just spend time with our eldest boy who is growing up all too fast at the moment.





After the performance we met up with Alexander again and did some shopping. Elliot got new shoes (see? I told you he’s growing up too fast!) and we went for a coffee so Alexander could have some food.


We then explored a toy shop and acquired an Octonauts Gup Launcher and some little whizzy Gups! After a snooze on the way home, Elliot and I played with them while Alex had his bath. They were a complete hit!


Elliot declared “I’m soooo delighted!”, and “I’m so proud of myself” when he won the race, and “I like winning now Mummy”

Bedtime came round and after hearing him getting out of bed I went up and found him staring out of the window. As I took him back to his bed, he said “I’ve had a lovely day, I’m so excited about the next day, what are we going to do?”

We’d better rethink our plans (which currently consist of “take stuff to the rubbish dump”) then….

A fun day, which makes me really want to capture my amazing, intelligent, beautiful and quirky three-year-old.

Stay exactly as you are Elliot. I love you. You deserve many more days that make you delighted, and I’ll do my best to make sure you get them.


Siblings – August

A late one from me this month. It’s no excuse but to be perfectly honest time is just passing way too quickly at the moment and upon scanning over my photos of the month I realised I had no pictures of the boys together for the whole month. Rubbish.

So this evening during a little post-nursery/pre-bedtime play in the garden I snapped the boys in their playhouse.

The playhouse was put up last year and has been being enjoyed by Elliot ever since. In the last week or so Elliot has been asking Alexander to join him so we’ve been putting him in there too, before being asked by Elliot to get out. He’s enjoying showing his little brother what fun he gets up to in there.

We’ve put a desk in there that I made when I was at school, and an old rug makes a cosy floor. I also got some pockets from ikea to go on the wall for much needed storage, and some time ago my Dad (the boys’ Grampy) bought Elliot some led dragonfly lights which he likes to switch on and off.

I think they’ll have many years of happiness in their little house. It’s even been given it’s own number (55) by Elliot putting stickers on the door!




dear beautiful

See my other Siblings posts below, and check out this months linky on Dear Beautiful:

