Siblings {April}

On the eve before we find out about Elliot’s Primary School place (that’s a whole other post!) I’m finally getting round to this month’s siblings post. It’s true I blog like buses…none for ages and then lots at once (probably contravening every “How to be a brilliant blogger” rule there is, but hey ho!)

Anyway, this month’s photo was taken on a really lovely family visit to Cogges Farm. I’ve blogged about Cogges before, and we continue to feel so lucky to have the farm literally on our door step.

Brothers on a swing

This month has seen lots of changes in our house as we now have a walker! Alexander has been steadily getting better on his feet and now walks the majority of the time. It is amazing how quickly he’s got the hang of walking, from taking first steps only a few weeks ago. He’s beaten Elliot’s record of 17 months (not exactly difficult, but they do say good things come to those who wait!)

Elliot is also adding more things to his list of “things he can do” – wordsearches are current favourites for indoor activities, and zooming everywhere on his scooter (with new Spiderman helmet WITH FLASHING LIGHT) is the BEST way of getting around outdoors. I kinda wish I had a grown up scooter to be able to join him!

As usual I’m linking up with Lucy at Dear Beautiful so do check out the other lovely blogs there.

dear beautiful

Siblings {February}


It’s that time of year again when I dress my boys in green, and occasionally white, and we support Ireland and England (in more or less equal measure) in the Rugby Six Nations.

I don’t think the boys look too impressed in this photo but it’s a funny one so perfect for this month’s Siblings post!

Elliot and Alexander have been navigating a new side to their friendship this last month, in that Alexander is now getting more active and just wants to do whatever it is that Elliot is doing. He idolises his big brother and it’s as cute for us to watch as it is annoying for poor Elliot who just wants to get on with playing “World’s Strongest Engine” by himself!!
(If you don’t know what that is I suggest you try youtube – it’s a Thomas thing!)

On a brighter note, we’ve all been enjoying Alexander learning the actions to “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” – he’s so cute with it and seems to be most pleased with himself too!

As always I’m joining in with the Siblings linky over on Dear Beautiful Boy. Why not go and take a look?

dear beautiful

Siblings – December

Bit late but here’s my little boys in December. It’s a busy month in our house. Birthdays for both boys (4 and 1), nativity plays and birthday parties all before Christmas even arrives.

Coupled with a stubborn virus that seems to be just passing from one of us to another, round and round, it’s been a hectic month full of tissues and coughing.

I also started back at work which is going well. Everyone seems to be slotting into the routines fairly well. That’s not to say we won’t all be glad of two weeks off to recharge and have fun as a foursome over Christmas though!!

Anyway, was hoping to get some festive pictures this month, but since we haven’t even got our tree up yet (can’t mix Christmas and birthdays!) I’ll have to make do with a few little pics of a nice quiet time amongst the chaos, bath time:






I’ve loved taking part in the Siblings project this year. It has really brought home to me how quickly time passes. Back in January I had a newborn and a three year old, and now my youngest at 1 has such a little personality growing. It’s been great watching them both get to know each other.

You can see all my previous Siblings posts below, and check out this month’s linky over on Dear Beautiful

dear beautiful

October – oops!


Siblings – August

A late one from me this month. It’s no excuse but to be perfectly honest time is just passing way too quickly at the moment and upon scanning over my photos of the month I realised I had no pictures of the boys together for the whole month. Rubbish.

So this evening during a little post-nursery/pre-bedtime play in the garden I snapped the boys in their playhouse.

The playhouse was put up last year and has been being enjoyed by Elliot ever since. In the last week or so Elliot has been asking Alexander to join him so we’ve been putting him in there too, before being asked by Elliot to get out. He’s enjoying showing his little brother what fun he gets up to in there.

We’ve put a desk in there that I made when I was at school, and an old rug makes a cosy floor. I also got some pockets from ikea to go on the wall for much needed storage, and some time ago my Dad (the boys’ Grampy) bought Elliot some led dragonfly lights which he likes to switch on and off.

I think they’ll have many years of happiness in their little house. It’s even been given it’s own number (55) by Elliot putting stickers on the door!




dear beautiful

See my other Siblings posts below, and check out this months linky on Dear Beautiful:



Siblings – June

This month has seen our first holiday as a family of four, and lots of time spent together in the sunshine with picnics out, trips to Blenheim Palace and Cogges Farm. The boys have really enjoyed being in each other’s company, and so far (touch wood) we’ve still not had any real resentment issues from Elliot. He loves to give Alexander cuddles and takes real pleasure in telling us that Alexander is smiling when he sees him.

Alexander has learnt to roll, so is spending lots of time moving around the living room floor. I’ve started to wonder why we even own sofas as I seem to spend a lot of my time down on the rug with both boys building train tracks/stopping Alexander from rolling under the sofas (it has happened far too many times already….bad mummy I know) I also really need to buy new jeans as mine seem to be wearing thin on the knees!

Elliot is still pretty camera shy and doesn’t ever like to pose for a photo. Most pics are taken while he’s doing something else or focused on someone/the tv (again, bad mummy skills…)

My photo for this month’s siblings project is therefore not a cute ‘brotherly hug and smile at camera’ photo (though I do hope that this does happen at some point this year?!?) but it does capture a brilliant morning spent playing on the floor.


Happy June everyone 🙂

dear beautiful

See my other Siblings posts below, and check out this months linky on Dear Beautiful:

