End of term 2017

Somehow we’ve reached the end of the summer term. Elliot has finished in Year 1 and Alexander only has one more year in Pre-school before he starts Primary school in 2018. These babies of mine are sure growing up fast!

To mark the end of the school year, we took a little quiz – we’ll aim to do this year by year and hopefully see little personalities coming through and developing over the years.

Elliot, aged 6 1/2. End of Year 1:

What is your favourite food? – “sausage roll”

What is your favourite colour? – “green and blue”

What would you like to be when you grow up? – “a builder and a footballer”

What is your favourite film?  – “Star Wars”

What is your favourite book?  – “Calvin and Hobbes”

Who is your favourite superhero?  – “Spider-Man and Captain America”


Alexander, aged 3 1/2. Pre-school:

What is your favourite food? – “Milk”

What are your favourite colours? – “Pink and green”

What would you like to be when you grow up? – “a builder or a milk delivery man”

What is your favourite film? – “Octonauts”

What is your favourite book? – “Thomas books”

Who is your favourite superhero? – “Robin and Hulk smash”

I’m quite excited at the prospect of a building company run by brothers. I know Alexander would definitely be in more of the demolition trade based on his tendencies with LEGO in this house!

It’s been fun asking them questions and noting them down. Will definitely try to make this an annual exercise just to see how it changes!
Photos by Jamie Conroy, Witney 

Elliot Thomas – Now you are six!

When I was one,
I had just begun.

When I was two,
I was nearly new.

When I was three,
I was hardly me.

When I was four,
I was not much more.

When I was five,
I was just alive.

But now I am six,
I’m as clever as clever.
So I think I’ll be six
now and forever.

A.A. Milne’s, “The End”, from “Now we are six”

Dear Elliot,

You’ve grown so much since I last wrote on here to you. You are now in Year One at school and doing fantastically. A little timid boy started in Reception, and what emerged in July was a bouncy, articulate, friendly child. One who has made a little band of friends to share these important years with.

You amaze us daily. What other six year old chooses to buy a desk light in IKEA so they can turn a play table into a “proper desk”, and then compliments this with a Maths workbook (for age 7+) using vouchers that could have been used on Superhero magazines? I’m seriously going to have to swot up on my own maths skills!

We love you little man. You’re an ace big brother and a wonderful son. We’re so proud to call you ours and I can’t believe it is six years since you came crashing into our lives and made me a mummy. Thank you for making my life so amazing, you’ve single handedly made me a better person.

Happy (belated) birthday!


Mummy (not Mum, yet, please!) xx

Siblings {August}

I think I’ve been putting off writing this month’s Siblings post. It’s the last one before Elliot starts school and I think the fact that they won’t be in the same place as each other every day is going to slightly change the relationship these two have carved out over the past 20 months.  Or maybe it will change nothing at all and I’m just being anxious for no reason. I hope that’s the case.


In all honesty, Elliot is Alexander’s favourite person. He regularly looks for him and enjoys finding toys that are his and telling me proudly “Lellot!” – it belongs to Elliot. He loves anything and everything that Elliot does, and likes to follow him about (whilst also doing a lot of adventurous discovering himself, being a lot braver, or maybe risk averse, than his elder counterpart!) 

Elliot is still loving his role as big brother and often recently I’ve seen him take Alexander’s hand and walk with him. 

Alexander is taking a while to actually properly learn his own name. The boys do look alike and at the moment if you ask Alex who he’s looking at in a mirror, he’ll be quite adamant that it’s “Lellot”! 


The boys are pretty keen on snacks, and iPhones. Please don’t judge! It’s hard to get them sitting in one place long enough to take one photo let alone a few to choose from!



Maybe next month we’ll have Elliot in his school uniform. I’ve just finished labelling it all 🙂

Check out the other lovely posts from this month over with Dear Beautiful:

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Siblings {May, June & July!}

Oh dear oh dear! All good plans can suffer I guess. I had hoped to at least be able to take one reasonable photo of my boys and get it posted here once a month this year but these last few months have seen me focus attention elsewhere and for one reason or another I’ve neglected this little space. 

I guess I’m struggling a bit with the fact that people “in my real life” do actually read the stuff I put up here (n.b. this isn’t a shock, I do realise that I am posting on the World Wide Web, but you know it just feels odd that’s all..).  This tiny slice of the internet was only ever really about filing away memories for my little ones to read when they’re older (who am I kidding, it’s mainly for me….am so worried I’ll forget the magic of having grown two little people that I want to capture the whole damn thing so I get to look back when I’m older and greyer), anyway I kind of forgot that for a bit and got a bit freaked, and then didn’t do any capturing or filing away. Basically a bit of a vicious circle.. So I now have a three month gap to fill.

Three months in which LOTS has happened.

I did my first whole (mini!) triathlon in June and my little future Brownlee boys helped encourage my training:   

We went on holiday. Twice!:


Elliot finished at one Pre-School, and will be leaving his other one at the end of August, ready for starting school in September – how on earth is he old enough for that? 


And Alexander seems to have developed the ability to do forward rolls, at 18 months, which is pretty scary I can tell you…I think we have Tumbletots to thank for that, he loves it!


So, all in all a busy little time in our family. The boys continue to get on really well and they clearly love each other loads. Alexander can now say “lellot” and likes to point him out when we go to collect them from nursery. He’s really going to miss him when he goes to school I think. Big changes are on the horizon! 

dear beautiful

Siblings {April}

On the eve before we find out about Elliot’s Primary School place (that’s a whole other post!) I’m finally getting round to this month’s siblings post. It’s true I blog like buses…none for ages and then lots at once (probably contravening every “How to be a brilliant blogger” rule there is, but hey ho!)

Anyway, this month’s photo was taken on a really lovely family visit to Cogges Farm. I’ve blogged about Cogges before, and we continue to feel so lucky to have the farm literally on our door step.

Brothers on a swing

This month has seen lots of changes in our house as we now have a walker! Alexander has been steadily getting better on his feet and now walks the majority of the time. It is amazing how quickly he’s got the hang of walking, from taking first steps only a few weeks ago. He’s beaten Elliot’s record of 17 months (not exactly difficult, but they do say good things come to those who wait!)

Elliot is also adding more things to his list of “things he can do” – wordsearches are current favourites for indoor activities, and zooming everywhere on his scooter (with new Spiderman helmet WITH FLASHING LIGHT) is the BEST way of getting around outdoors. I kinda wish I had a grown up scooter to be able to join him!

As usual I’m linking up with Lucy at Dear Beautiful so do check out the other lovely blogs there.

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